当前位置:CRM > 科技问答 > 84027,在路由上做irf的bfd检测


2023-02-13 10:37:33科技问答

在路由上做IRF的bfd检测 是V5和V7不一样吗  是的话 在V7上咋做   求大神


1. 组网需求

由于网络规模迅速扩大,当前中心交换机(Device A)转发能力已经不能满足需求,现需要在保护现有投资的基础上将网络转发能力提高一倍,并要求网络易管理、易维护。

2. 组网图

图1-14 IRF典型配置组网图(BFD MAD检测方式)


3. 配置思路

·              Device A处于局域网的汇聚层,为了将汇聚层的转发能力提高一倍,需要另外增加一台设备Device B。

·              鉴于IRF技术具有管理简便、网络扩展能力强、可靠性高等优点,所以本例使用IRF技术构建网络汇聚层(即在Device A和Device B上配置IRF功能),接入层设备通过聚合双链路上行。

·              为了防止IRF链路故障导致IRF分裂,网络中存在两个配置冲突的IRF,需要启用MAD检测功能。因为成员设备比较少,我们采用BFD MAD检测方式来监测IRF的状态。

4. 配置步骤

      配置Device A

# 将设备的运行模式切换到IRF模式。

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] chassis convert mode irf

The device will switch to IRF mode and reboot. You are recommended to save the current running configuration and specify the configuration file for the next startup. Continue? [Y/N]:y

 Do you want to convert the content of the next startup configuration file flash:/startup.cfg to make it available in IRF mode? [Y/N]:y

 Please wait...

 Saving the converted configuration file to the main board succeeded.

Slot 1:

 Saving the converted configuration file succeeded.

 Now rebooting, please wait...

设备重启后Device A组成了只有一台成员设备的IRF。

# 配置IRF端口1/2,并将它与物理端口GigabitEthernet1/

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet1/



[Sysname] irf-port 1/2

[Sysname-irf-port1/2] port group interface gigabitethernet1/

[Sysname-irf-port1/2] quit

[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet1/



[Sysname] save

# 激活IRF端口下的配置。

[Sysname] irf-port-configuration active

2)      配置Device B

# 将设备的运行模式切换到IRF模式。

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] chassis convert mode irf

The device will switch to IRF mode and reboot. You are recommended to save the current running configuration and specify the configuration file for the next startup. Continue? [Y/N]:y

 Do you want to convert the content of the next startup configuration file flash:/startup.cfg to make it available in IRF mode? [Y/N]:y

 Please wait...

 Saving the converted configuration file to the main board succeeded.

Slot 1:

 Saving the converted configuration file succeeded.

 Now rebooting, please wait...

# 将Device B的成员编号配置为2,并重启设备使新编号生效。

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] irf member 1 renumber 2

Warning: Renumbering the member ID may result in configuration change or loss. Continue? [Y/N]:y

[Sysname] quit

# 参照图1-14进行物理连线。

<Sysname> reboot

# 重新登录到设备,配置IRF端口2/1,并将它与物理端口GigabitEthernet2/

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet 2/



[Sysname] irf-port 2/1

[Sysname-irf-port2/1] port group interface gigabitethernet 2/

[Sysname-irf-port2/1] quit

[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet 2/



[Sysname] save

# 激活IRF端口下的配置。

[Sysname] irf-port-configuration active

3)      Device A和Device B间将会进行主设备竞选,竞选失败的一方将重启,重启完成后,IRF形成。

4)      配置BFD MAD检测

# 创建三层聚合接口1。

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface route-aggregation 1

[Sysname-Route-Aggregation1] quit

# 分别将接口GigabitEthernet1/

[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet 1/



[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet 2/



# 配置三层聚合接口1的MAD IP地址。

[Sysname] interface route-aggregation 1

[Sysname-Route-Aggregation1] mad bfd enable

[Sysname-Route-Aggregation1] mad ip address 24 member 1

[Sysname-Route-Aggregation1] mad ip address 24 member 2

[Sysname-Route-Aggregation1] quit


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